pytest_wdl package


pytest_wdl.config module

class pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration(config_file: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, cache_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, remove_cache_dir: Optional[bool] = None, execution_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, proxies: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]] = None, http_headers: Optional[List[dict]] = None, show_progress: Optional[bool] = None, executors: Optional[str] = None, executor_defaults: Optional[Dict[str, dict]] = None, provider_defaults: Optional[Dict[str, dict]] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Stores pytest-wdl configuration. If configuration options are specified both in the config file and as arguments to the constructor, the latter take precedence.

  • config_file – JSON file from which to load default values.

  • cache_dir – The directory in which to cache localized files; defaults to using a temporary directory that is specific to each module and deleted afterwards.

  • remove_cache_dir – Whether to remove the cache directory; if None, takes the value True if a temp directory is used for caching, and False, if a value for cache_dir is specified.

  • execution_dir – The directory in which to run workflows. Defaults to None, which signals that a different temporary directory should be used for each workflow run.

  • proxies – Mapping of proxy type (typically ‘http’ or ‘https’ to either an environment variable, or a dict with either/both keys ‘env’ and ‘value’, where the value is taken from the environment variable (‘env’) first, and from ‘value’ if the environment variable is not specified or is unset.

  • http_headers – A list of dicts, each of which defines a header. The allowed keys are ‘pattern’, ‘name’, ‘env’, and ‘value’, where pattern is a URL pattern to match, ‘name’ is the header name and ‘env’ and ‘value’ are interpreted the same as for proxies. If no pattern is provided, the header is used for all URLs.

  • show_progress – Whether to show progress bars when downloading remote test data files.

  • executors – Default set of executors to run.

  • executor_defaults – Mapping of executor name to dict of executor-specific configuration options.

cleanup() → None[source]

Preforms cleanup operations, such as deleting the cache directory if self.remove_cache_dir is True.

get_executor_defaults(executor_name: str) → dict[source]

Get default configuration values for the given executor.


executor_name – The executor name


A dict with the executor configuration values, if any.

get_provider_defaults(provider_name: str) → dict[source]

Get default configuration values for the given provider.


provider_name – The provider name


A dict with the provider configuration values, if any.

pytest_wdl.config.default_user_config_file() → pathlib.Path[source]
pytest_wdl.config.get_instance() → pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration[source]
pytest_wdl.config.set_instance(config: Optional[pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration] = None, path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None)[source]

pytest_wdl.core module

pytest_wdl.core.DATA_TYPES = {'bam': <pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory object>, 'json': <pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory object>, 'vcf': <pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory object>}

Data type plugin modules from the discovered entry points.

class pytest_wdl.core.DataDirs(basedir: pathlib.Path, module, function: Callable, cls: Optional[Type] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Provides data files from test data directory structure as defined by the datadir and datadir-ng plugins. Paths are resolved lazily upon first request.

property paths
class pytest_wdl.core.DataManager(data_resolver: pytest_wdl.core.DataResolver, datadirs: pytest_wdl.core.DataDirs)[source]

Bases: object

Manages test data, which is defined in a test_data.json file.

  • data_resolver – Module-level config.

  • datadirs – Data directories to search for the data file.

get_dict(*names: str, **params) → dict[source]

Creates a dict with one or more entries from this DataManager.

  • *names – Names of test data entries to add to the dict.

  • **params – Mapping of workflow parameter names to test data entry names.


Dict mapping parameter names to test data entries for all specified names.

get_list(*names: str) → list[source]
class pytest_wdl.core.DataResolver(data_descriptors: dict, user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration)[source]

Bases: object

Resolves data files that may need to be localized.

resolve(name: str, datadirs: Optional[pytest_wdl.core.DataDirs] = None)[source]
pytest_wdl.core.EXECUTORS = {'cromwell': <pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory object>, 'dxwdl': <pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory object>, 'miniwdl': <pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory object>}

Executor plugin modules from the discovered entry points.

pytest_wdl.core.create_data_file(user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration, type: Union[str, dict, None] = 'default', name: Optional[str] = None, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, None] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, contents: Union[str, dict, None] = None, env: Optional[str] = None, http_headers: Optional[dict] = None, digests: Optional[dict] = None, datadirs: Optional[pytest_wdl.core.DataDirs] = None, **kwargs) → pytest_wdl.data_types.DataFile[source]
pytest_wdl.core.create_executor(executor_name: str, import_dirs: Sequence[pathlib.Path], user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration)[source]

pytest_wdl.fixtures module

Fixtures for writing tests that execute WDL workflows using Cromwell.

Note: This library is being transitioned to python3 only, and to use `pathlib.Path`s instead of string paths. For backward compatibility fixtures that produce a path may still return string paths, but this support will be dropped in a future version.

pytest_wdl.fixtures.default_executors(user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration) → Sequence[str][source]
pytest_wdl.fixtures.import_dirs(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest, project_root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], import_paths: Union[str, pathlib.Path, None]) → List[Union[str, pathlib.Path]][source]

Fixture that provides a list of directories containing WDL scripts to make avaialble as imports. Uses the file provided by import_paths fixture if it is not None, otherwise returns a list containing the parent directory of the test module.

  • request – A FixtureRequest object

  • project_root – Project root directory

  • import_paths – File listing paths to imports, one per line

pytest_wdl.fixtures.import_paths(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest) → Union[str, pathlib.Path, None][source]

Fixture that provides the path to a file that lists directories containing WDL scripts to make available as imports. This looks for the file at “tests/import_paths.txt” by default, and returns None if that file doesn’t exist.

pytest_wdl.fixtures.project_root(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest, project_root_files: List[str]) → Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Fixture that provides the root directory of the project. By default, this assumes that the project has one subdirectory per task, and that this framework is being run from the test subdirectory of a task diretory, and therefore looks for the project root two directories up.

pytest_wdl.fixtures.project_root_files() → List[str][source]

Fixture that provides a list of filenames that are found in the project root directory. Used by the project_root fixture to locate the project root directory.

pytest_wdl.fixtures.user_config(user_config_file: Optional[pathlib.Path]) → pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration[source]
pytest_wdl.fixtures.user_config_file() → Optional[pathlib.Path][source]

Fixture that provides the value of ‘user_config’ environment variable. If not specified, looks in the default location ($HOME/pytest_user_config.json).


Path to the confif file, or None if not specified.

pytest_wdl.fixtures.workflow_data(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest, workflow_data_resolver: pytest_wdl.core.DataResolver) → pytest_wdl.core.DataManager[source]

Provides an accessor for test data files, which may be local or in a remote repository.

  • request – FixtureRequest object

  • workflow_data_resolver – Module-level test data configuration


def workflow_data_descriptor_file():

return “tests/test_data.json”

def test_workflow(workflow_data):


pytest_wdl.fixtures.workflow_data_descriptor_file(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest) → Union[str, pathlib.Path][source]

Fixture that provides the path to the JSON file that describes test data files.


request – A FixtureRequest object

pytest_wdl.fixtures.workflow_data_descriptors(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest, project_root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], workflow_data_descriptor_file: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) → dict[source]

Fixture that provides a mapping of test data names to values. If workflow_data_descriptor_file is relative, it is searched first relative to the current test context directory and then relative to the project root.


workflow_data_descriptor_file – Path to the data descriptor JSON file.


A dict with keys as test data names and each value either a primitive, a map describing a data file, or a DataFile object.

pytest_wdl.fixtures.workflow_data_resolver(workflow_data_descriptors: dict, user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration) → pytest_wdl.core.DataResolver[source]

Provides access to test data files for tests in a module.

  • workflow_data_descriptors – workflow_data_descriptors fixture.

  • user_config

pytest_wdl.fixtures.workflow_runner(request: _pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest, project_root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], import_dirs: List[Union[str, pathlib.Path]], user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration, default_executors: Sequence[str], subtests: pytest_subtests.SubTests)[source]

Provides a callable that runs a workflow. The callable has the same signature as Executor.run_workflow, but takes an additional keyword argument executors, a sequence of strings, which allows overriding the names of the executors to use.

If multiple executors are specified, the tests are run using the subtests fixture of the pytest-subtests plugin.

  • request – A FixtureRequest object.

  • project_root – Project root directory.

  • import_dirs – Directories from which to import WDL scripts.

  • user_config – A UserConfiguration object.

  • default_executors – Names of executors to use when executor name isn’t passed to the workflow_runner callable.

  • subtests – A SubTests object.

pytest_wdl.localizers module

class pytest_wdl.localizers.JsonLocalizer(contents: dict)[source]

Bases: pytest_wdl.localizers.Localizer

localize(destination: pathlib.Path)[source]

Localize a resource to destination.


destination – Path to file where the non-local resource is to be localized.

class pytest_wdl.localizers.LinkLocalizer(source: pathlib.Path)[source]

Bases: pytest_wdl.localizers.Localizer

Localizes a file to another destination using a symlink.

localize(destination: pathlib.Path)[source]

Localize a resource to destination.


destination – Path to file where the non-local resource is to be localized.

class pytest_wdl.localizers.Localizer[source]

Bases: object

Abstract base of classes that implement file localization.

abstract localize(destination: pathlib.Path) → None[source]

Localize a resource to destination.


destination – Path to file where the non-local resource is to be localized.

verify(path: pathlib.Path) → bool[source]

Verify that path exists and is valid.


path – Path to verify.


True if the path is verified, else False

class pytest_wdl.localizers.StringLocalizer(contents: str)[source]

Bases: pytest_wdl.localizers.Localizer

Localizes a string by writing it to a file.

localize(destination: pathlib.Path)[source]

Localize a resource to destination.


destination – Path to file where the non-local resource is to be localized.

class pytest_wdl.localizers.UrlLocalizer(url: str, user_config: pytest_wdl.config.UserConfiguration, http_headers: Optional[dict] = None, digests: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Bases: pytest_wdl.localizers.Localizer

Localizes a file specified by a URL.

property http_headers
localize(destination: pathlib.Path)[source]

Localize a resource to destination.


destination – Path to file where the non-local resource is to be localized.

property proxies
verify(path: pathlib.Path) → bool[source]

Verify that path exists and is valid.


path – Path to verify.


True if the path is verified, else False

pytest_wdl.localizers.download_file(url: str, destination: pathlib.Path, http_headers: Optional[dict] = None, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, show_progress: bool = True, digests: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

pytest_wdl.plugins module

exception pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginError[source]

Bases: Exception

class pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory(entry_point: pkg_resources.EntryPoint, return_type: Type[T])[source]

Bases: typing.Generic

Lazily loads a plugin class associated with a data type.

pytest_wdl.plugins.plugin_factory_map(return_type: Type[T], group: Optional[str] = None, entry_points: Optional[Iterable[pkg_resources.EntryPoint]] = None) → Dict[str, pytest_wdl.plugins.PluginFactory[~T][T]][source]

Creates a mapping of entry point name to PluginFactory for all discovered entry points in the specified group.

  • group – Entry point group name

  • return_type – Expected return type

  • entry_points


Dict mapping entry point name to PluginFactory instances

pytest_wdl.url_schemes module

class pytest_wdl.url_schemes.BaseResponse[source]

Bases: pytest_wdl.url_schemes.Response

download_file(destination: pathlib.Path, show_progress: bool = False, digests: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Download a file to a specific destination.

  • destination – Destination path

  • show_progress – Whether to show a progress bar

  • digests – Optional dict mapping hash names to digests. These are used to validate the downloaded file.



abstract get_content_length() → Optional[int][source]
abstract read(block_size: int)[source]
class pytest_wdl.url_schemes.Method(src_attr, dest_pattern)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

OPEN = ('urlopen', '{}_open')
REQUEST = ('request', '{}_request')
RESPONSE = ('response', '{}_response')
class pytest_wdl.url_schemes.Response[source]

Bases: object

abstract download_file(destination: pathlib.Path, show_progress: bool = False, digests: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Download a file to a specific destination.

  • destination – Destination path

  • show_progress – Whether to show a progress bar

  • digests – Optional dict mapping hash names to digests. These are used to validate the downloaded file.



class pytest_wdl.url_schemes.ResponseWrapper(rsp)[source]

Bases: pytest_wdl.url_schemes.BaseResponse

get_content_length() → Optional[int][source]
read(block_size: int) → bytes[source]
class pytest_wdl.url_schemes.UrlHandler[source]

Bases: urllib.request.BaseHandler


Add aliases that are required by urllib for handled methods.

property handles
request(request: urllib.request.Request) → urllib.request.Request[source]
response(request: urllib.request.Request, response: pytest_wdl.url_schemes.Response) → pytest_wdl.url_schemes.Response[source]
abstract property scheme
urlopen(request: urllib.request.Request) → pytest_wdl.url_schemes.Response[source]

pytest_wdl.utils module

exception pytest_wdl.utils.DigestsNotEqualError[source]

Bases: AssertionError

pytest_wdl.utils.chdir(todir: pathlib.Path)[source]

Context manager that temporarily changes directories.


todir – The directory to change to.

pytest_wdl.utils.compare_files_with_hash(file1: pathlib.Path, file2: pathlib.Path, hash_name: str = 'md5')[source]
pytest_wdl.utils.context_dir(path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, change_dir: bool = False, cleanup: Optional[bool] = None) → pathlib.Path[source]

Context manager that looks for a specific environment variable to specify a directory. If the environment variable is not set, a temporary directory is created and cleaned up upon return from the yield.

  • path – The environment variable to look for.

  • change_dir – Whether to change to the directory.

  • cleanup – Whether to delete the directory when exiting the context. If None, the directory is only deleted if a temporary directory is created.


A directory path.

pytest_wdl.utils.ensure_path(path: Union[str, py._path.local.LocalPath, pathlib.Path], search_paths: Optional[Sequence[pathlib.Path]] = None, canonicalize: bool = True, exists: Optional[bool] = None, is_file: Optional[bool] = None, executable: Optional[bool] = None, create: bool = False) → pathlib.Path[source]

Converts a string path or py.path.local.LocalPath to a pathlib.Path.

  • path – The path to convert.

  • search_paths – Directories to search for path if it is not already absolute. If exists is True, looks for the first search path that contains the file, otherwise just uses the first search path.

  • canonicalize – Whether to return the canonicalized version of the path - expand home directory shortcut (~), make absolute, and resolve symlinks.

  • exists – If True, raise an exception if the path does not exist; if False, raise an exception if the path does exist.

  • is_file – If True, raise an exception if the path is not a file; if False, raise an exception if the path is not a directory.

  • executable – If True and is_file is True and the file exists, raise an exception if it is not executable.

  • create – Create the directory (or parent, if is_file = True) if it does not exist. Ignored if exists is True.


A pathlib.Path object.

pytest_wdl.utils.env_map(d: dict) → dict[source]

Given a mapping of keys to value descriptors, creates a mapping of the keys to the described values.

pytest_wdl.utils.find_executable_path(executable: str, search_path: Optional[Sequence[pathlib.Path]] = None) → Optional[pathlib.Path][source]

Finds ‘executable’ in search_path.

  • executable – The name of the executable to find.

  • search_path – The list of directories to search. If None, the system search path (defined by the $PATH environment variable) is used.


Absolute path of the executable, or None if no matching executable was found.

pytest_wdl.utils.find_in_classpath(glob: str) → Optional[pathlib.Path][source]

Attempts to find a .jar file matching the specified glob pattern in the Java classpath.


glob – JAR filename pattern


Path to the JAR file, or None if a matching file is not found.

pytest_wdl.utils.find_project_path(*filenames: Union[str, pathlib.Path], start: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, return_parent: bool = False, assert_exists: bool = False) → Optional[pathlib.Path][source]

Starting from path folder and moving upwards, search for any of filenames and return the first path containing any one of them.

  • *filenames – Filenames to search. Either a string filename, or a sequence of string path elements.

  • start – Starting folder

  • return_parent – Whether to return the containing folder or the discovered file.

  • assert_exists – Whether to raise an exception if a file cannot be found.


A Path, or None if no folder is found that contains any of filenames. If return_parent is False and more than one of the files is found one of the files is randomly selected for return.


FileNotFoundError if the file cannot be found and assert_exists is True.

pytest_wdl.utils.hash_file(path: pathlib.Path, hash_name: str = 'md5') → str[source]
pytest_wdl.utils.is_executable(path: pathlib.Path) → bool[source]

Checks if a path is executable.


path – The path to check


True if path exists and is executable by the user, otherwise False.

pytest_wdl.utils.resolve_file(filename: Union[str, pathlib.Path], project_root: pathlib.Path, assert_exists: bool = True) → Optional[pathlib.Path][source]

Finds filename under project_root or in the project path.

  • filename – The filename, relative path, or absolute path to resolve.

  • project_root – The project root dir.

  • assert_exists – Whether to raise an error if the file cannot be found.


A pathlib.Path object, or None if the file cannot be found and assert_exists is False.


FileNotFoundError if the file cannot be found and assert_exists is True.

pytest_wdl.utils.resolve_value_descriptor(value_descriptor: Union[str, dict]) → Optional[source]

Resolves the value of a value descriptor, which may be an environment variable name, or a map with keys env (the environment variable name) and value (the value to use if env is not specified or if the environment variable is unset.




pytest_wdl.utils.safe_string(s: str, replacement: str = '_') → str[source]

Makes a string safe by replacing non-word characters.

  • s – The string to make safe

  • replacement – The replacement stringj


The safe string

pytest_wdl.utils.tempdir(change_dir: bool = False, tmproot: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, cleanup: Optional[bool] = True) → pathlib.Path[source]

Context manager that creates a temporary directory, yields it, and then deletes it after return from the yield.

  • change_dir – Whether to temporarily change to the temp dir.

  • tmproot – Root directory in which to create temporary directories.

  • cleanup – Whether to delete the temporary directory before exiting the context.

pytest_wdl.utils.verify_digests(path: pathlib.Path, digests: dict)[source]

Module contents

Fixtures for writing tests that execute WDL workflows using Cromwell. For testability purposes, the implementaiton of these fixtures is done in the pytest_wdl.fixtures module.