Source code for pytest_wdl.plugins

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import os
from typing import (
    Dict, Generic, Iterable, Optional, Type, TypeVar, cast

from pkg_resources import EntryPoint, ResolutionError, iter_entry_points

LOG = logging.getLogger("pytest-wdl")
LOG.setLevel(os.environ.get("LOGLEVEL", "WARNING").upper())

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class PluginError(Exception): pass
[docs]class PluginFactory(Generic[T]): """ Lazily loads a plugin class associated with a data type. """ def __init__(self, entry_point: EntryPoint, return_type: Type[T]): self.entry_point = entry_point self.return_type = return_type self.factory = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> T: if self.factory is None: try: self.factory = self.entry_point.resolve() except ImportError as err: raise PluginError( f"Could not load plugin {}" ) from err plugin = self.factory(*args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(plugin, self.return_type): # TODO: test this raise RuntimeError( f"Expected plugin {plugin} to be an instance of {self.return_type}" ) return cast(self.return_type, plugin)
[docs]def plugin_factory_map( return_type: Type[T], group: Optional[str] = None, entry_points: Optional[Iterable[EntryPoint]] = None ) -> Dict[str, PluginFactory[T]]: """ Creates a mapping of entry point name to `PluginFactory` for all discovered entry points in the specified group. Args: group: Entry point group name return_type: Expected return type entry_points: Returns: Dict mapping entry point name to `PluginFactory` instances """ if entry_points is None: entry_points = iter_entry_points(group=group) entry_point_map = defaultdict(list) for entry_point in entry_points: entry_point_map[].append(entry_point) factory_map = {} for name, points in entry_point_map.items(): if len(points) > 1: # Filter out built-ins points = list(filter( lambda point: not point.module_name.startswith("pytest_wdl"), points )) if len(points) > 1: raise RuntimeError( f"Multiple third-party plugins found in group {group} with the " f"same name: {name}" ) ep = points[0] try: ep.require() except ResourceWarning as rerr: LOG.warning( "Plugin %s is not available because it is missing an extra " "dependency: %s", name, str(rerr) ) continue except ResolutionError as rerr: LOG.warning( "Plugin %s is not available because it is missing an extra " "dependency: %s", name, str(rerr) ) continue except PluginError as perr: LOG.warning( "Error while loading plugin %s: %s", name, str(perr) ) continue factory_map[name] = PluginFactory(ep, return_type) return factory_map