Source code for pytest_wdl.executors

#    Copyright 2019 Eli Lilly and Company
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union, cast

from pytest_wdl.data_types import DataFile
from pytest_wdl.utils import (
    ensure_path, safe_string, find_executable_path, find_in_classpath

import WDL
from WDL import Document, Error, Tree

INDENT = " " * 16

[docs]class ExecutorError(Exception): def __init__(self, executor: str, msg: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(msg) self.executor = executor
[docs]class ExecutionFailedError(ExecutorError): def __init__( self, executor: str, target: str, status: str, inputs: Optional[dict] = None, executor_stdout: Optional[str] = None, executor_stderr: Optional[str] = None, failed_task: Optional[str] = None, failed_task_exit_status: Optional[int] = None, failed_task_stdout: Optional[str] = None, failed_task_stderr: Optional[str] = None, msg: Optional[str] = None ): if msg is None: if failed_task and failed_task != target: msg = f"{executor} failed with status {status} while running task " \ f"{failed_task} of {target}" else: msg = f"{executor} failed with status {status} while running {target}" super().__init__(executor, msg) = target self.status = status self.inputs = inputs self.executor_stdout = executor_stdout self.executor_stderr = executor_stderr self.failed_task = failed_task self.failed_task_exit_status = failed_task_exit_status self.failed_task_stdout = failed_task_stdout self.failed_task_stderr = failed_task_stderr @property def exit_status_str(self) -> str: if self.failed_task_exit_status: return str(self.failed_task_exit_status) else: return "Unknown" def __str__(self): def wrap_std(std: str): if std: return "\n" + textwrap.indent(std, INDENT) else: return " None" return textwrap.dedent(f""" {self.args[0]}: inputs: {self.inputs} executor_stdout:{wrap_std(self.executor_stdout)} executor_stderr:{wrap_std(self.executor_stderr)} failed_task_exit_status: {self.exit_status_str} failed_task_stdout:{wrap_std(self.failed_task_stdout)} failed_task_stderr:{wrap_std(self.failed_task_stderr)} """)
[docs]class Executor(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for WDL workflow executors. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_workflow( self, wdl_path: Path, inputs: Optional[dict] = None, expected: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Run a WDL workflow on given inputs, and check that the output matches given expected values. Args: wdl_path: The WDL script to execute. inputs: Object that will be serialized to JSON and provided to Cromwell as the workflow inputs. expected: Dict mapping output parameter names to expected values. kwargs: Additional executor-specific keyword arguments (mostly for debugging) Returns: Dict of outputs. Raises: ExecutionFailedError: if there was an error executing the workflow AssertionError: if the actual outputs don't match the expected outputs """
@classmethod def _validate_outputs( cls: "Executor", outputs: dict, expected: dict, target: str ) -> None: """ Validate expected and actual outputs are equal. Args: outputs: Actual outputs expected: Expected outputs target: Execution target (i.e. workflow name) Raises: AssertionError """ for name, expected_value in expected.items(): key = f"{target}.{name}" if key not in outputs: raise AssertionError(f"Workflow did not generate output {key}") cls._compare_output_values(expected_value, outputs[key], key) @classmethod def _compare_output_values( cls: "Executor", expected_value, actual_value, name: str ) -> None: """ Compare two values and raise an error if they are not equal. Args: expected_value: actual_value: name: Name of the output being compared Raises: AssertionError """ if actual_value is None: if expected_value is None: return else: raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ for {name}: " f"{expected_value} != {actual_value}" ) elif isinstance(expected_value, list): if len(expected_value) != len(actual_value): raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ in length for {name}: " f"{len(expected_value)} != {len(actual_value)}" ) for i, (exp, act) in enumerate(zip(expected_value, actual_value)): cls._compare_output_values(exp, act, f"{name}[{i}]") elif isinstance(expected_value, dict): if len(expected_value) != len(actual_value): raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ in length for {name}: " f"{len(expected_value)} != {len(actual_value)}" ) for key, exp in expected_value.items(): if key not in actual_value: raise AssertionError( f"Key '{key}' is in the expected value but not in " f"the actual value: {expected_value} != {actual_value}" ) cls._compare_output_values(exp, actual_value[key], f"{name}.{key}") elif isinstance(expected_value, DataFile): # TODO: pass name expected_value.assert_contents_equal(actual_value) elif expected_value != actual_value: raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ for {name}: " f"{expected_value} != {actual_value}" )
[docs]class JavaExecutor(Executor, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Manages the running of WDL workflows using a Java-based executor. Args: java_bin: Path to the java executable. java_args: Default Java arguments to use; can be overidden by passing `java_args=...` to `run_workflow`. """ def __init__( self, java_bin: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, java_args: Optional[str] = None ): if not java_bin: java_home = os.environ.get(ENV_JAVA_HOME) if java_home: java_bin = Path(java_home) / "bin" / "java" else: java_bin = find_executable_path("java") if not java_bin: raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find java executable") self.java_bin = ensure_path( java_bin, exists=True, is_file=True, executable=True ) self.java_args = java_args or os.environ.get(ENV_JAVA_ARGS)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_jar_file( file_name_pattern: str, jar_path: Optional[Path] = None, env_var: Optional[str] = None, ): if not jar_path: path_str = None if env_var: path_str = os.environ.get(env_var) if path_str: jar_path = ensure_path(path_str) else: jar_path = find_in_classpath(file_name_pattern) if not jar_path: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find JAR file {file_name_pattern}") return ensure_path(jar_path, is_file=True, exists=True)
[docs]class InputsFormatter:
[docs] @classmethod def get_instance(cls) -> "InputsFormatter": if not hasattr(cls, "__instance"): setattr(cls, "__instance", object.__new__(cls)) return getattr(cls, "__instance")
[docs] def format_inputs( self, inputs_dict: dict, namespace: Optional[str] = None ) -> dict: prefix = f"{namespace}." if namespace else "" return dict( (f"{prefix}{key}", self.format_value(value)) for key, value in inputs_dict.items() )
[docs] def format_value(self, value: Any) -> Any: """ Convert a primitive, DataFile, Sequence, or Dict to a JSON-serializable object. Currently, arbitrary objects can be serialized by implementing an `as_dict()` method, otherwise they are converted to strings. Args: value: The value to format. Returns: The serializable value. """ if hasattr(value, "as_dict"): return value.as_dict() if isinstance(value, DataFile): return self._format_data_file(cast(DataFile, value)) if isinstance(value, dict): return self._format_dict(cast(dict, value)) if isinstance(value, Sequence) and not isinstance(value, str): return self._format_sequence(cast(Sequence, value)) return value
def _format_sequence(self, s: Sequence) -> list: return [self.format_value(val) for val in s] def _format_dict(self, d: dict) -> dict: return dict((key, self.format_value(val)) for key, val in d.items()) def _format_data_file(self, df: DataFile) -> Union[str, dict]: return df.path
[docs]def parse_wdl( wdl_path: Path, import_dirs: Optional[Sequence[Path]] = (), check_quant: bool = False, **_ ) -> Document: return WDL.load( str(wdl_path), path=[str(path) for path in import_dirs], check_quant=check_quant )
[docs]def get_target_name( wdl_path: Optional[Path] = None, wdl_doc: Optional[Document] = None, task_name: Optional[str] = None, workflow_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[str, bool]: """ Get the execution target. The order of priority is: - task_name - workflow_name - - wdl_doc.task[0].name - wdl_file.stem Args: wdl_path: Path to a WDL file wdl_doc: A miniwdl-parsed WDL document task_name: The task name workflow_name: The workflow name **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to `parse_wdl` Returns: A tuple (target, is_task), where `is_task` is a boolean indicating whether the target is a task (True) or a workflow (False). Raises: ValueError if 1) neither `task_name` nor `workflow_name` is specified and the WDL document contains no workflow and multiple tasks; or 2) all of the parameters are None. """ if task_name: return task_name, True if workflow_name: return workflow_name, False if not wdl_doc and Tree: try: wdl_doc = parse_wdl(wdl_path, **kwargs) except Error.SyntaxError as err: raise RuntimeError( "There was an error parsing the WDL document to extract the target " "workflow/task name. Please specify the 'workflow_name' or 'task_name' " "parameter to workflow_runner()." ) from err if wdl_doc: if wdl_doc.workflow: return, False elif wdl_doc.tasks and len(wdl_doc.tasks) == 1: return wdl_doc.tasks[0].name, True else: raise ValueError( "WDL document has no workflow and multiple tasks, and 'task_name' " "is not specified" ) if wdl_path: return safe_string(wdl_path.stem), False raise ValueError("At least one parameter must not be None")
[docs]def read_write_inputs( inputs_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, inputs_dict: Optional[dict] = None, inputs_formatter: Optional[InputsFormatter] = InputsFormatter.get_instance(), write_formatted_inputs: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[dict, Optional[Path]]: """ If `inputs_file` is specified and it exists, read its contents. Otherwise, if `inputs_dict` is specified, format it using `inputs_formatter` (if specified) and write it to `inputs_file` or a temporary file. Args: inputs_file: inputs_dict: inputs_formatter: write_formatted_inputs: kwargs: Returns: The (formatted) inputs dict and the resolved inputs file. If both `inputs_dict` and `inputs_file` are None, returns `({}, None)`. """ if inputs_file: inputs_file = ensure_path(inputs_file, is_file=True, create=True) if inputs_file.exists(): with open(inputs_file, "rt") as inp: inputs_dict_from_file = json.load(inp) return inputs_dict_from_file, inputs_file if inputs_dict: inputs_dict = inputs_formatter.format_inputs(inputs_dict, **kwargs) if write_formatted_inputs: if not inputs_file: inputs_file = Path(tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".json")[1]) with open(inputs_file, "wt") as out: json.dump(inputs_dict, out, default=str) return inputs_dict, inputs_file return {}, None