Source code for pytest_wdl.data_types.bam

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Convert BAM to SAM for diff.
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import Iterable, Optional

import subby

from pytest_wdl.data_types import DataFile, assert_text_files_equal, diff_default
from pytest_wdl.utils import tempdir

# TODO: fall back to command line samtools (if installed)
import pysam

INVARIATE_COLUMNS = "1,2,5,10,11"
ALL_COLUMNS = "1-11"

[docs]class Sorting(Enum): NONE = 0 COORDINATE = 1 NAME = 2
[docs]class BamDataFile(DataFile): """ Supports comparing output of BAM file. This uses pysam to convert BAM to SAM, so that DataFile can carry out a regular diff on the SAM files. """ def _assert_contents_equal(self, other_path: Path, other_opts: dict): try: assert_bam_files_equal( self.path, other_path, allowed_diff_lines=self._get_allowed_diff_lines(other_opts), min_mapq=self._get_min_mapq(other_opts), compare_tag_columns=self._get_compare_tag_columns(other_opts) ) except AssertionError as err: raise AssertionError( f"BAM files are not equal: {self.path} != {other_path}" ) from err def _get_min_mapq(self, other_opts: dict) -> int: return max( self.compare_opts.get("min_mapq", 0), other_opts.get("min_mapq", 0) ) def _get_compare_tag_columns(self, other_opts: dict) -> bool: return ( self.compare_opts.get("compare_tag_columns") or other_opts.get("compare_tag_columns") )
[docs]def assert_bam_files_equal( file1: Path, file2: Path, allowed_diff_lines: int = 0, min_mapq: int = 0, compare_tag_columns: bool = False ): """ Compare two BAM files: * Convert them to SAM format * Optionally re-sort the files by chromosome, position, and flag * First compare all lines using only a subset of columns that should be deterministic * Next, filter the files by MAPQ and compare the remaining rows using all columns Args: file1: First BAM to compare file2: Second BAM to compare allowed_diff_lines: Number of lines by which the BAMs are allowed to differ (after being convert to SAM) min_mapq: Minimum mapq used to filter reads when comparing all columns compare_tag_columns: Whether to include tag columns (12+) when comparing all columns """ with tempdir() as temp: # Compare all reads using subset of columns cmp_file1 = temp / "all_reads_subset_columns_file1" cmp_file2 = temp / "all_reads_subset_columns_file2" bam_to_sam( file1, cmp_file1, headers=None, sorting=Sorting.NAME ) bam_to_sam( file2, cmp_file2, headers=None, sorting=Sorting.NAME ) assert_text_files_equal( cmp_file1, cmp_file2, allowed_diff_lines, diff_fn=partial(diff_bam_columns, columns=INVARIATE_COLUMNS) ) # Compare subset of reads using all columns cmp_file1 = temp / "subset_reads_all_columns_file1" cmp_file2 = temp / "subset_reads_all_columns_file2" bam_to_sam( file1, cmp_file1, min_mapq=min_mapq, sorting=Sorting.COORDINATE, ) bam_to_sam( file2, cmp_file2, min_mapq=min_mapq, sorting=Sorting.COORDINATE ) if compare_tag_columns: diff_fn = diff_default else: diff_fn = partial(diff_bam_columns, columns=ALL_COLUMNS) assert_text_files_equal( cmp_file1, cmp_file2, allowed_diff_lines, diff_fn=diff_fn )
[docs]def bam_to_sam( input_bam: Path, output_sam: Path, headers: Optional[Iterable[str]] = ("HD", "SQ", "RG"), min_mapq: Optional[int] = None, sorting: Sorting = Sorting.NONE ): """ Use PySAM to convert bam to sam. """ opts = [] if headers: opts.append("-h") headers = set(headers) if min_mapq: opts.extend(["-q", str(min_mapq)]) sam = pysam.view(*opts, str(input_bam)).rstrip() # Replace any randomly assigned readgroups with a common placeholder sam = re.sub(r"UNSET-\w*\b", "UNSET-placeholder", sam) lines = sam.splitlines(keepends=True) header_lines = [] start = 0 if headers: for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.startswith("@"): start = i break elif line[1:3] in headers: header_lines.append(line) body_lines = lines[start:] if sorting is not Sorting.NONE: with tempdir() as temp: temp_sam = temp / f"output_{str(output_sam.stem)}.sam" with open(temp_sam, "w") as out: out.write("".join(body_lines)) if sorting is Sorting.COORDINATE: sort_cols = "-k3,3 -k4,4n -k2,2n" else: sort_cols = "-k1,1 -k2,2n" sorted_sam = subby.sub(f"cat {str(temp_sam)} | sort {sort_cols}") body_lines = [sorted_sam] with open(output_sam, "w") as out: out.write("".join(header_lines + body_lines))
[docs]def diff_bam_columns(file1: Path, file2: Path, columns: str) -> int: with tempdir() as temp: def make_comparable(inpath, output):"cat {inpath} | cut -f {columns}", stdout=output) cmp_file1 = temp / "cmp_file1" cmp_file2 = temp / "cmp_file2" make_comparable(file1, cmp_file1) make_comparable(file2, cmp_file2) return diff_default(cmp_file1, cmp_file2)