Source code for pytest_wdl.executors

#    Copyright 2019 Eli Lilly and Company
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import json
from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from xphyle import open_

from pytest_wdl.data_types import DataFile
from pytest_wdl.utils import ensure_path, safe_string

from WDL import Tree

[docs]class Executor(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for WDL workflow executors. Args: import_dirs: Relative or absolute paths to directories containing WDL scripts that should be available as imports. """ def __init__(self, import_dirs: Optional[List[Path]] = None): self.import_dirs = import_dirs or [] def _get_workflow_name(self, wdl_path: Path, kwargs: dict): if "workflow_name" in kwargs: return kwargs["workflow_name"] elif Tree: if "check_quant" not in kwargs: kwargs["check_quant"] = False doc = Tree.load( str(wdl_path), path=[str(path) for path in self.import_dirs], **kwargs ) return else: return safe_string(wdl_path.stem)
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_workflow( self, wdl_path: Path, inputs: Optional[dict] = None, expected: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """ Run a WDL workflow on given inputs, and check that the output matches given expected values. Args: wdl_path: The WDL script to execute. inputs: Object that will be serialized to JSON and provided to Cromwell as the workflow inputs. expected: Dict mapping output parameter names to expected values. kwargs: Additional executor-specific keyword arguments (mostly for debugging) Returns: Dict of outputs. Raises: Exception: if there was an error executing the workflow AssertionError: if the actual outputs don't match the expected outputs """
[docs]def get_workflow_inputs( inputs_dict: Optional[dict] = None, inputs_file: Optional[Path] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[dict, Path]: """ Persist workflow inputs to a file, or load workflow inputs from a file. Args: inputs_dict: Dict of input names/values. inputs_file: JSON file with workflow inputs. namespace: Name of the workflow; used to prefix the input parameters when creating the inputs file from the inputs dict. Returns: A tuple (inputs_dict, inputs_file) """ if inputs_file: inputs_file = ensure_path(inputs_file) if inputs_file.exists(): with open_(inputs_file, "rt") as inp: inputs_dict = json.load(inp) return inputs_dict, inputs_file if inputs_dict: prefix = f"{namespace}." if namespace else "" inputs_dict = dict( (f"{prefix}{key}", make_serializable(value)) for key, value in inputs_dict.items() ) if inputs_file: inputs_file = ensure_path(inputs_file, is_file=True, create=True) else: inputs_file = Path(tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".json")[1]) with open_(inputs_file, "wt") as out: json.dump(inputs_dict, out, default=str) return inputs_dict, inputs_file
[docs]def make_serializable(value): """ Convert a primitive, DataFile, Sequence, or Dict to a JSON-serializable object. Currently, arbitrary objects can be serialized by implementing an `as_dict()` method, otherwise they are converted to strings. Args: value: The value to make serializable. Returns: The serializable value. """ if isinstance(value, str): return value if isinstance(value, DataFile): return value.path if isinstance(value, dict): return dict((k, make_serializable(v)) for k, v in value.items()) if isinstance(value, Sequence): return [make_serializable(v) for v in value] if hasattr(value, "as_dict"): return value.as_dict() return value
[docs]def validate_outputs(outputs: dict, expected: dict, target: str) -> None: """ Validate expected and actual outputs are equal. Args: outputs: Actual outputs expected: Expected outputs target: Execution target (i.e. workflow name) Raises: AssertionError """ for name, expected_value in expected.items(): key = f"{target}.{name}" if key not in outputs: raise AssertionError(f"Workflow did not generate output {key}") compare_output_values(expected_value, outputs[key], key)
[docs]def compare_output_values(expected_value, actual_value, name: str) -> None: """ Compare two values and raise an error if they are not equal. Args: expected_value: actual_value: name: Name of the output being compared Raises: AssertionError """ if actual_value is None: if expected_value is None: return else: raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ for {name}: " f"{expected_value} != {actual_value}" ) elif isinstance(expected_value, list): if len(expected_value) != len(actual_value): raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ in length for {name}: " f"{len(expected_value)} != {len(actual_value)}" ) for i, (exp, act) in enumerate(zip(expected_value, actual_value)): compare_output_values(exp, act, f"{name}[{i}]") elif isinstance(expected_value, dict): if len(expected_value) != len(actual_value): raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ in length for {name}: " f"{len(expected_value)} != {len(actual_value)}" ) for key, exp in expected_value.items(): assert key in actual_value compare_output_values(exp, actual_value[key], f"{name}.{key}") elif isinstance(expected_value, DataFile): # TODO: pass name expected_value.assert_contents_equal(actual_value) elif expected_value != actual_value: raise AssertionError( f"Expected and actual values differ for {name}: " f"{expected_value} != {actual_value}" )